"I'd like to take a minute to express my gratitude to you for coaching me in the proper training that I needed to successfully complete my first marathon!!! Your time, knowledge and expertise is greatly appreciated!! Another marathoner made with your help!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!" – Lisa Lewis-Brown

"In one year, I improved my marathon time by 43 minutes, giving me the Boston Qualifying time I've been wanting! I could not have done it without the guidance and encouragement of Mark Minichiello!" - Casey O’Day
""Thanks so much Mark! I appreciate all the training advice and motivation from you!! I cannot thank you enough for believing in me and having faith in me that I could actually do it. To be honest, I did not TRULY believe I could qualify until around mile 25 of the marathon! A year ago, I was just trying to break 4 hours after 5 really disappointing attempts. I never thought I'd be in the realm of the Boston Marathon. This all seems like one big, surreal dream (has the marathon even happened yet? Did I fall and hit my head during the race?) - Jessica Bratkoy

A sub-four hour race thanks to coach Mark Minichiello and the track group!!! That’s a 20-minute PR for me! Thanks so much, Coach Mark!! You said I was going to do it, and I DID!! I had you in my head the last 10k and it kept me pushing forward!
Erin Gallardo – Chicago Marathon
Thank you so much, Coach!!! I could not have imagined this result without your motivation and guidance. You said BELIEVE and it wasn’t just a word. There was so much more in it and here is the result, a BQ. Million times thank you! Gizem Hopper